As christians we’re called to serve

Serving the church and local community is important in our walk with Jesus.
“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people” Ephesians 6:7 NIV

Serving in the church allows us to sew into the lives of others.
Whether that means greeting newcomers at the door, serving coffees or singing in the worship team.
Every genuine act of service helps to build God’s kingdom.

If you’re not yet serving in some way at Gatton Baptist Church we’d love to encourage you to join a team!

We’re always looking for helpers in all areas of church life, from our Vibe Cafe to serving on our Worship team and everything in between.

To find out more ways you can serve at Gatton Baptist Church please contact Pastor Doug Beahan on 07 54628687 or 0407672741.
If you prefer to fill out the form below someone will be in contact with you shortly about any questions you may have.