Christ in the Community #2: Opportunity

Luke 4:14-30

When you spend a focused period or season in prayer and seeking after the Lord, there should be a response. Jesus had spent 40 days in prayer and fasting before the Lord and then we see the opportunities that were immediately presented to Him. Last week, you were encouraged to spend at least half an hour a day praying and meditating on the Word of God. You were encouraged to have as a framework: The Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6) as we considered last week and to pray for specific things, to focus your mind, turn off all devices and put aside distractions that enter your mind; then to pray.

What has been your experience after doing this for the last week? We will consider that more as we begin part 2 in our 3-part series of Christ in the Community: Opportunity.

Immediate Opportunity was given in Jesus’ own back yard. After 40 days in the wilderness, Jesus ministered in the North (Galilee where He was from and where his family and relatives were). Note in verse 14, that this was after the intense period of Isolation that we considered last week, which was a habit of Jesus. Here at the beginning of His ministry, after 40 days seeking after the Lord, it says, “Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee.” We worship in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4) The Holy Spirit is the power source by which we reflect Jesus by our words and actions.

What did this power achieve for Jesus? (Verse 14, 15)a report about him went out through all the surrounding country. And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.” Our witness is seen – people talk about us. Has this happened to you? But note it was not because of controversy, though that would come. It says He was glorified by all. This means respected, spoken well of, exalted. How? Through teaching. Yes, He would do miracles, but here the context is teaching. What we say has an impact when our words are Spirit-led.

Opportunities in a local setting. The example of Jesus is that most of His ministry was in the North where he was from and, in particular, right after He began His ministry it was within His home town: Nazareth. Again, the context is teaching, this time he used Scripture to talk about Himself: Isaiah 61:1,2. Jesus handed the scroll back and sat down.

The fruit of Spirit-led opportunities. 2 reactions: 1. The people marvel. People notice, people react. (Verse 22) “all spoke well of him and marveled at the gracious words that were coming from his mouth.” 2. Some get angry. (verse 28) “When they heard these things, all in the synagogue were filled with wrath.” When did the anger arise? When the Word of God was expounded and applied. (verses 25-27)

This is where Church leaders need to lead their congregations well. Anyone can speak on the enjoyable, wonderful things that will happen: heaven, glory, no sin, blessings in this life; but we need to give the whole counsel of God, as do all Christ’s followers.

The promise is thatIndeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12) Please don’t miss this or think it does not apply. It most certainly does today as in the day Paul penned the words. We say it often here, but when you are ministering in the influence and power of the Holy Spirit, “he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no longer; concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.” (John 16:8-11) When the Lord gives opportunities to minister, they are always effective, but not always pleasant. Jesus was delivered from the local townsfolk, “so that they could throw him down the cliff. But passing through their midst, he went away.” (verses 29, 30)

Abundant opportunities, direction, blessing. Jesus had a habit of spending time by himself with his Father. Jesus, while in the north – Capernaum, selected his disciples: the future Apostles and leaders of the church after Pentecost. What did He do? He trained them for the next 3 years and gave them practical theology on the power and direction of the Holy Spirit; the next major event was the Sermon on the Mount.

Teaching is a major focus in the opportunities that are presented after spending time in Isolation with the Lord.

What opportunities to lead? Teach/witness to others the Lord giving you: neighbours, family, workplace, where you study.

The enemy to productive Christian ministry and opportunities is 1. Busyness and 2. Time wasting (laziness/lack of focus). These can be stress responses and even lead to stress or depression by not spending time with the Lord and being overly focused on our own efforts. EG Mary/Martha. (Luke 10:38-42)

Opportunity to experience the supernatural: Jesus slipped out from the mob of townsfolk in Nazareth, but while he was in his region of Galilee “he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people. So his fame spread throughout all Syria, and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, those oppressed by demons, epileptics, and paralytics, and he healed them.” (Matthew 4:23)

I know there isn’t a soul here this morning who does not quietly desire the opportunity to be used by God, to see the supernatural power and presence of God with healing, deliverance, prophesy, words of knowledge, conversions, broken relationships beyond any earthly hope being restored to peace and prosperity, financial deliverance and abundance providing for our needs and the needs of others.

We have opportunities as a church. Let’s discuss them and then break into groups and pray about them. 1. TMR site selection/process direction/wisdom 2. PlayPatch/Day Care center 3. KidsHope and reaching our school 4. Podcast/Farmers Markets/other site ideas. 5. Church ministries – Kids@Church, Life Group, Sunday Services/Carols/Christmas/Men’s ministry/Café/Worship/Fellowship lunches/Young Adults.

These are all wonderful opportunities that bring Christ into our community as the Holy Spirit blesses. The key is the discipline of spending time with the Lord listening to His voice and then acting on His Spirit’s leading. As was the case with Jesus, most of our ministry is done within our own backyard. The exception we have is that, like Jesus, we have a ministry and focus through our One for Israel ministry.

We close in prayer for that ministry and Israel as a nation.

Chuwar Baptist Church