Just Make a Decision!          

Joshua 24:14-28

What are you like at making decisions? Do you like to consider all the options and then leave it off because it’s too hard, or do you just jump right in, not think too much about it and then have buyer’s remorse? You over committed, over extended yourself. Now you’re stuck with this thing or situation that is not helping you financially, morally or relationally; just a dumb irrational decision. Perhaps you are better than that? You carefully consider all the options; make a plan. But even then, things can go wrong. I needed a new motor, considered all options; got one (good decision) The fuel pump went: easy fix. Then this: harmonic balancer.

Brief background:- Joshua had led the Israelites into Canaan and conquered 7 powerful nations. They controlled the land. Joshua was old and he asked them to renew their covenant with the Lord. He asked them to ‘fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and faithfulness.” (verse 14) Then he asked them, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” Why did he ask them this question? Surely, while they had been conquering the land, obeying the law, keeping the Sabbath, the new moon, the Passover, the sacrifices – surely, they were serving the Lord. I mean, isn’t that the point? Isn’t that what we have been doing these last few years; why would you ask us to choose? It’s almost insulting, isn’t it? What would you say if I asked you this morning, “Choose this day whom you will serve; start serving Christ.” Some of you have been Christians for many years. Start now; surely, it’s already happening.

We know what we should do. The people acknowledged God (verses 16-18) and wanted to serve Him, but we can’t be sustained by old grace; Canaan was conquered, but there was still a Canaanite presence influencing Israel. Apathy can set in; we get tired of the fight, we get distracted. You know what I mean, with family or a hobby; I am amazed at how many ‘Christians’ are found in Church only every second or third week; some are once-a-monthers. It’s common.

Joshua doesn’t just accept the verbal response: different to the choice Ezekiel gave when he said, “God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked – choose life!” No, here Joshua just said – you make the choice. ‘Choose this day whom you will serve.’ Service involves the heart, he used the hebrew word for serve at least 16 times in this chapter. This service requires heart obedience; ‘words are cheap.’ Consider what Joshua said after they said, ‘no but we will serve the Lord.’ (verse 19) “You are not able to serve the Lord” What? Why? 1. because He is a Holy God, and He wants no distraction in your service, this is defined by the word Jealous.

This is where the decision to serve the Lord is truly tested. You see, Joshua knew that it wasn’t about raising your hand for Yahweh; not about coming forward to receive Jehovah; not about a decision for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You see, they had made a decision, but Joshua went to the heart of the issue: FOREIGN GODS and actually said it 4 times in the passage. The gods of Mesopotamia you still keep since Egypt, now the gods of the Canaanites. God is holy. The same is true for us. Let’s not fall into an easy believism! 2nd reason is God is a Jealous God. The very word Oprah Winfrey once struggled with. We are called to redeem the time: to value, to appreciate time. How much have we already wasted on vain or pointless or, worse even, evil pursuits?

Make a stand. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord;’ a conscious decision to stay committed. Did Joshua really need to say that? Wasn’t it obvious who he was serving? Yes, but he realised this was a daily decision. Every day is a day of salvation. Joshua knew that every day was His service, when it came to serving His Lord. (verses 26-28: a witness a monument.) Our lives are to be a monument, a testament to the faithfulness of the Lord. This is the true rest; not found in the land of Canaan.

As in Hebrews, the writer said there is a future rest…(Hebrews 4:7c-11a) Everyone here this morning can do one of 2 things 1. Believers recommit to serving the Lord – do you own heart scan this morning. 2. Those who know they haven’t committed to serving the Lord – today is the day of your salvation. Repent of sin, accept that believing that Christ’s death on the cross alone can save you from your sin, then commit to living a life of holy obedience according to His word. This is the Good News!

Acknowledging faithfulness. First, count the faithfulness. Many of you have made conscious decisions to seek after God and do so every day of your lives. Praise God. You have followed the Lord through the highs and lows of life; you have experienced his faithfulness. You have made the right decision and the harmonic balancer of life has needed replacing. You have been, and continue to be, a testament to the next generation. You read your Bibles faithfully. You get involved in church every week, you are part of a life group, you serve in ministry and your families have done for many years. You are a testament to the goodness of God to your church, your family, your community.

But some of you still carry the idols of Egypt in your heart. You have come across the Jordan; you have made a commitment to Christ; may have even been baptised, but you still serve yourself with all your time and money. Unfortunately, many of us within the Christian community, the spiritual land of Canaan, follow the Canaanites in the land. When really that part needs to die in us.

Joshus gives us all a challenge this morning. He started out as a young man serving with Moses, went part-way up Mt. Sinai with him, went into the land with 12 others over 45 years earlier, and he and Caleb had to serve 40 years in the wilderness because of the rebellion of others, but he remained faithful. He conquered the land of Canaan for over 5 years and now at the end of his life has a testimony, a legacy of faithfulness.

What legacy are you leaving for your children and grandchildren? Let’s reset now with a commitment to serving the Lord in 3 ways. 1. Greater consistent personal devotion 2. Church attendance/Life Group 3. Serving in ministry – using your gift.