There’s No Appeasing Some People Acts 21:17-36
The zeal that Paul had for persecuting the church was now turned to a zeal for spreading the good news of the Lord Jesus. He journeyed far and wide, boldly proclaiming the Gospel. There were many trials and miracles – the church grew, but there came a time for Paul to return to Jerusalem.
On the way he was warned not to go to Jerusalem; that he would be bound and handed over to the gentiles. Acts 21:4,10-11
Have you ever gone out of your way to help someone, but they just don’t see it? They come full of distrust or even antagonism. Nothing that you say or do seems to register. They take an opposing position and won’t move from it.
Paul dealt with this on a number of occasions.
Paul went to great lengths to remove all obstacles that might prevent people accepting his message.
(1 Corinthians 9:19-23)
How well do we communicate the Gospel? Do we sometimes make unnecessary obstacles which impede our witness?
To communicate the gospel to the lost, we have to meet them where they’re at. That doesn’t mean that we share in their sin, just that we need to come alongside them and relate to them.
Paul, in obedience to God, spent a long time spreading the Good News to the gentile towns and cities, but he also had a heart for his own people (Romans 9:1-3)
v18-20 The elders of the church in Jerusalem were glad to hear of the salvation of many gentiles during Paul’s journeys. God had always made provision for the salvation of gentiles (Isaiah 56:6-7)
God had also been doing a great work in Jerusalem. Many thousands of Jews now put their faith in Jesus, but they mostly still observed Jewish law and customs. (Acts 21:20)
V21 Jews who didn’t like Paul (probably because he associated with gentiles) spread rumours to stir up opposition against him (not the first time Paul had to face this)
They accused him of teaching Jews to ignore the Law of Moses. How much truth was in their accusations? The most effective lies have some truth.
So much damage has been done by Christians listening to and spreading gossip. Let’s not be guilty of that.
V23-24 The elders of Jerusalem advised Paul to demonstrate that he still respected the Law.
Paul took the advice of the elders, but there is no appeasing some people.
Now a reasonable response from the people would have been, “Well, these are serious accusations. We need to sit down with Paul and discuss the matter.” But they didn’t want a conversation. Does that sound familiar? You have probably witnessed, or even been involved in a similar situation. It may even have been within the church.
The people who opposed Paul probably thought they were guarding against heresy. Certainly, we cannot tolerate heresy. (Acts 20:28-30) How do you know which side you’re on? Are you a defender of the faith, guarding against deceitful teachers? Or are you a ravenous wolf, working against God’s faithful servants?
The crowd had evil intentions for Paul, but their actions put Paul in a position where he could be a witness to people he would have never otherwise met.
In keeping with his principle of being all things to all people Paul preached the Gospel in different ways to different people. The message remained the same, but he presented it in a way that they could relate to. (Act 13:16-41, Acts 17:22-31)
How would you explain the Gospel to someone today?
It is discouraging when we see hostility amongst those who profess the name of Jesus, but even in this, God is in control and these things work towards his good purpose (Romans 8:28-30)
People who cause division, who refuse to listen and even persecute the church – God is using them. It’s difficult for us to understand how, but what they intend for evil, God will use for good.
This doesn’t excuse those who are guilty of causing grief to the fellowship. Without repenting and trusting in Jesus, they have to stand before a Holy God; being found guilty of all their sin; condemned to the lake of fire.
For those of us who love Jesus and trust in him alone for our salvation, it’s encouraging to know that we’re on the winning side. Although the pain is hard to go through, in the big scheme of things it’s only for a little while. This life is short (James 4:14)
There’s no appeasing some people; but take heart; be encouraged. Any anguish they may cause us is helping to prepare us for a glorious eternity with our Heavenly Father.