What Are You Like as a Tenant? Mark 12:1-12
Most of us know what it’s like to be put in a position of trust. Perhaps you’ve had to borrow a car. Maybe you’ve had to rent a house. You may have had to look after someone’s children. Maybe you’ve had the unpleasant experience of damaging something that you’ve rented or borrowed.
The leaders of Israel were entrusted with the spiritual welfare of God’s chosen people. They betrayed the trust that had been placed in them. Luke 20:46-47
This parable is directed at these leaders.
Jesus’ parables usually needed some explanation; their meaning was hidden. Matthew 13:13
But the parable in today’s reading is different; it’s easily understood and these religious leaders knew exactly what Jesus was talking about. Mark 12:12
They would have been familiar with Isaiah 5 which also uses the analogy of a vineyard to represent Israel.
The religious leaders were intent on keeping the law, but the purpose of the law was to show the sinful nature of man. Jesus was showing them their sinful nature. Galatians 3:10-11, Matthew 23:27-28
If someone is going to be saved, they must see their own sin and realize that they stand condemned before God.
Jesus pointed to the sin of Israel’s leaders so that they might repent, and a few of them did.
John the Baptist said of Jesus, John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease.”[1]
He was willing to stand aside in humility to allow Jesus to have greater prominence.
But these men had significant positions and they weren’t going to let anyone displace them. Luke 11:43, Mark 12:7
This was not something that was unique to the religious leaders of Jesus’ time. The men who had been appointed as shepherds of God’s people had a long history of dereliction of duty. Ezekiel 34:1-10
This parable reveals God’s attitude towards anyone who would lead others. It’s a cautionary tale for all those who God puts in positions of authority.
These same men, who said that they wouldn’t have shed the blood of the prophets, would have the beloved son of the vineyard owner killed. These are the men who were going to cry out for the crucifixion of Jesus only a matter of days later, and then go on to murder the apostles and other followers of Jesus. Matthew 23:29-35
Being a leader of God’s people is a grave responsibility. James 3:1 Matthew 18:6
Leadership should not be a means of self-gratification. Leaders are supposed to be humble servants. Mark 10:42-45
Broader application
It’s not just the religious leaders who heard this parable. There was a crowd present.
This isn’t just applicable to pastors and elders.
Jesus told another parable about servants being entrusted with their master’s property. Matthew 25:14-30
Everything you have comes from God. He created the universe; he created you. He owns everything. Whatever you have is God’s, and he has entrusted it to you to be used for his glory.
Think about these things: What do I have? How can I use it for God’s glory?
Someday, Jesus will return for the harvest. Mark 13:33-37
Jesus foretold his death a number of times. In today’s passage, Jesus included his death in this parable. Mark 12:7-8
The Owner of the Vineyard sent his own Son- they killed him, but that’s not the end of the parable. Mark 12:9
The vineyard was taken out of the hands of the religious leaders. This was confirmed in A.D.70 when the temple was destroyed.
Sometimes it’s helpful to look at parallel accounts in the other gospels. Luke 20
Read more about the cornerstone- Acts 4:1-12
You cannot oppose or ignore Jesus and get away with it. Luke 20:18
Now, while you live, there is still hope. Turn to Jesus; trust in him. He said,
Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”[2]
[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Jn 3:30.
[2] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Mt 11:28–30.