No Greater Joy Than This         Luke 10:1-24

When have you been the most content? Can you remember a time when you were at the most peace you have ever had? A feeling of joy and contentment. Not at one moment, like a thing of ecstasy, but a period of real contentment and joy. I would say 1992/1993 was that for me. I had just gotten converted; I got involved in youth ministry, saw young people accept Christ, was studying the Bible every day with others, joined Youth for Christ, came to Qld, met an amazing young woman who loved Jesus as much as I did: very few cares, but many blessings and much joy in that season.

Jesus at this point in His ministry was widely celebrated. As we saw last week, he was healing people, even raising people from the dead. People were being delivered of demons and diseases. What could be better? But more than this, it wasn’t just His works that gave comfort to the people, but His words. He spoke words of truth and grace and the common people heard Him gladly.

He had just sent the 12 disciples out on a mission trip – preaching the gospel and healing. They were excited about their faith.

What could have possibly been better than this? One better thing was that others were released to do exactly the same.

Jesus had then fed 5000 men, probably 2 or 3 times that number, with loaves of bread and fish: miraculous abundance. Many were following Jesus to the point where he could not contain the crowds that were following Him. Here we read about seventy-two others who had been trained up and empowered by Jesus to speak and do as He did.

It was at that point He appointed 72 messengers aside from the 12: the work was too great. Similar to when Moses needed extra counsellors for the immensity of the work; he set apart 70 elders. Here Jesus set apart 70/72 disciples. Jesus said, “"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Luke 10:2) Work was available. Like today, the gospel needs to be told. If you have committed your life to Christ, He has already called you. The question is are you obeying His call to go?

1.      It’s dangerous “Lambs among wolves” (verse 3)

2.      Don’t pre-pack. The Father is your sufficiency; just go. Like Abraham, just move, the time is now. (verse 4)

3.      Be a messenger of peace (verse 5), give it. If peace is not received, receive it back. Either way, peace is given.

4.      Remain in one place, don’t move until the job is done. Receive what is given – hard for me – no sugar. Someone asked me about Missionary work; I could not do it for this reason, unless the Lord miraculously healed me. (verses 6, 7)

5.      Expect and work in the power of the Spirit (verse 9)

6.      God’s Kingdom comes regardless, but there are consequences. (verse10-16)

The seventy servants were the blessed ones. The power of God was on display through them. (verse 17)

Jesus confirmed His authority and power over Satan. (verse 18) He bestows the same power and protection over us.

There is no greater joy on earth than serving Christ and telling others about His kingdom. All who name the name of Christ are called to do it. Some of us are called to it as a vocation.

But… the greater joy comes from the knowledge that we are children of God. Our names are written in heaven. Not because we were born into the right family, not because we were born in a country where there are churches, not because we have immense freedom to believe whatever we want, but because we have been given something that we could never attain by our own ability - the salvation of our souls.

Rejoice that the Father knew you even before he said let there be light. Even before he created the heavens and the earth, he knew you. Your name was written in the eternal Book of Life. You are a Child of God. That is where true joy comes from.

It is in the light of this truth, that all other realities must be considered.

Your health isn’t the best – You have eternal life and are healed at the Tree of Life.

Some close relationships are soured at work or school. You have a relationship with the Creator of the universe. Jesus says we are more closely related to Him than any other relationship on earth, even blood relatives.

You are not sure of financial security – The God of heaven says you are secure for eternity. Your soul is secure in Christ. Regardless of your present concerns, you are eternally secure as a child of God. Your name is written in heaven.

There is no greater joy than this.

More than this, earthly knowledge and wisdom is not required or even used. Little children, small children, receive the gracious will and knowledge of heaven and the fact that they are going there. John the Baptist leapt in the womb. I believe even through mental challenges, God abundantly speaks to the soul. Regardless of the outward perishing and even mental capacity of an individual, this passage says the Father in heaven sends comfort and peace to even the most simple and unlearned among us. That just makes my spirit leap. The apostle Paul said the same: “not many wise, not many learned…

But the generation of the disciples who heard and saw Jesus were more blessed than King David, Isaiah or Moses – they desired to see it but didn’t.

Jesus says that we, who believe yet haven’t seen Jesus face to face, however are more blessed than these 70 disciples and even the first apostles.

What now? Go and serve without fear of failure, the God of Heaven and Earth is with you. God will provide. Stop wasting time and get with it, bestowing peace on others and serving with joy in the knowledge that you’re a citizen of Heaven. Your name is in the Book of Life.

Chuwar Baptist Church