Fighting to build a Kingdom          

Judges 1:1-13        

The time of the judges lasted about 350 years.

There were fifteen judges in all.

They judged Israel, but they were also formidable military leaders; saviours of Israel in their time. They were God’s representatives and the Spirit of God was upon them. Of course, God is the ultimate judge.

This time of the judges was tumultuous & can be summed up in Judges 2:18-19

The original inhabitants of Canaan were an evil people.  God would use the Israelites to judge them, but because of Israel’s disobedience, God would also use the Canaanites in judgement against Israel.

There was a danger that the evil of the Canaanites would infect Israel, so God was clear in his instructions that they should get rid of them and their idols completely.

The Israelites weren’t diligent in carrying out all of God’s instructions; they didn’t drive out all of the Canaanites. (Judges 1:28)

When the Israelites allowed evil to remain in the land the temptation was right there in front of them; the same temptation that seduced their fathers, and like their fathers, they turned away from the one true powerful God and turned to dumb, powerless idols.

There was a purpose in God leaving some of the original inhabitants in the land. (Judges 2:1-3, 3:1-6)

This world is full of temptations. We can’t avoid all of it. There are many temptations all around us that we just have to resist. Much of it is within God’s plan to test us and make us stronger, but let’s not make things harder than they need to be. If there is any temptation we can avoid, we should avoid it. Sin is serious. If we have anything in our lives that might lead us into sin, we need to get rid of it. Matthew 18:7-9

Our Promised Land

Most of us aren’t Jews; we certainly aren’t judges. The old covenant that God made with Jacob and his children doesn’t apply to us. Australia isn’t our promised land to conquer. Our promised land is much better and eternal.

There is a significant movement in some Christian circles which says that we are to ‘conquer the land’. They call for believers to retake the culture in 7 spheres of influence - religion, family, government, education, media, arts/entertainment, and business. This is called the seven-mountain mandate. There are some aspects to this which are beneficial, but you will find little scriptural support for it.

Proponents of this teaching seek to take control and build an earthly kingdom, but Jesus said “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36) 

We continue what was started by Jesus and his followers.

During the earthly ministry of Jesus and the apostles, they didn’t attempt to win the culture. Their business was bringing life to the spiritually dead. They weren’t trying to become leaders of society, they became servants. Jesus took up his cross and asked anyone who wants to follow him to do the same.

We aren’t under God’s old covenant with Israel. We’re under a better covenant, but while we’re under a different covenant, God is still the same. Salvation still only comes by His grace. We know now that the price of salvation was the death and resurrection of His son; Jesus. God has shown us incredible love in this, but He is still a jealous God and He demands and deserves our loyalty; the same sort of loyalty that was shown by the Apostles.

The work of the apostles and the early church had a huge impact. Thousands of people who were spiritually dead were coming to life. It has been given to us to continue their work of spreading the gospel.

The Israelites had to fight terrible battles for the land. Our battles are no less savage, but we’re fighting spiritual battles for eternal souls. (Ephesians 6:12-18)

Have you taken up the whole armour of God?

Open war is upon us. Satan prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) 

Put on the full armour of God and use it.

While we are in Christ, nothing can defeat us. We will suffer blows. This is to be expected for anyone who goes into the heat of battle, but Christ has given us victory, even over death. (Matthew 16:18, Romans 8:31-39)

Chuwar Baptist Church