Woe to you Tyre

The ancient city of Tyre represented a number of things spiritually. Ezekiel devotes the next two chapters that describe the character and judgement of this city and how it reflects the hearts of those who rejected the authority of the Lord.

Ezekiel 27: A Lament for Tyre

1     The word of the LORD came to me:

2     "Now you, son of man, raise a lamentation over Tyre,

3     and say to Tyre, who dwells at the entrances to the sea, merchant of the peoples to many coastlands, thus says the Lord GOD: "O Tyre, you have said, 'I am perfect in beauty.'

4     Your borders are in the heart of the seas; your builders made perfect your beauty.

5     They made all your planks of fir trees from Senir; they took a cedar from Lebanon to make a mast for you.

6     Of oaks of Bashan they made your oars; they made your deck of pines from the coasts of Cyprus, inlaid with ivory.

7     Of fine embroidered linen from Egypt was your sail, serving as your banner; blue and purple from the coasts of Elishah was your awning.

8     The inhabitants of Sidon and Arvad were your rowers; your skilled men, O Tyre, were in you; they were your pilots.

9     The elders of Gebal and her skilled men were in you, caulking your seams; all the ships of the sea with their mariners were in you to barter for your wares.

10   "Persia and Lud and Put were in your army as your men of war. They hung the shield and helmet in you; they gave you splendour.

11   Men of Arvad and Helech were on your walls all around, and men of Gamad were in your towers. They hung their shields on your walls all around; they made perfect your beauty.

12   "Tarshish did business with you because of your great wealth of every kind; silver, iron, tin, and lead they exchanged for your wares.

13   Javan, Tubal, and Meshech traded with you; they exchanged human beings and vessels of bronze for your merchandise.

14   From Beth-togarmah they exchanged horses, war horses, and mules for your wares.

15   The men of Dedan traded with you. Many coastlands were your own special markets; they brought you in payment ivory tusks and ebony.

16   Syria did business with you because of your abundant goods; they exchanged for your wares emeralds, purple, embroidered work, fine linen, coral, and ruby.

17   Judah and the land of Israel traded with you; they exchanged for your merchandise wheat of Minnith, meal, honey, oil, and balm.

18   Damascus did business with you for your abundant goods, because of your great wealth of every kind; wine of Helbon and wool of Sahar

19   and casks of wine from Uzal they exchanged for your wares; wrought iron, cassia, and calamus were bartered for your merchandise.

20   Dedan traded with you in saddlecloths for riding.

21   Arabia and all the princes of Kedar were your favoured dealers in lambs, rams, and goats; in these they did business with you.

22   The traders of Sheba and Raamah traded with you; they exchanged for your wares the best of all kinds of spices and all precious stones and gold.

23   Haran, Canneh, Eden, traders of Sheba, Asshur, and Chilmad traded with you.

24   In your market these traded with you in choice garments, in clothes of blue and embroidered work, and in carpets of coloured material, bound with cords and made secure.

25   The ships of Tarshish travelled for you with your merchandise. So you were filled and heavily laden in the heart of the seas.

26   "Your rowers have brought you out into the high seas. The east wind has wrecked you in the heart of the seas.

27   Your riches, your wares, your merchandise, your mariners and your pilots, your caulkers, your dealers in merchandise, and all your men of war who are in you, with all your crew that is in your midst, sink into the heart of the seas on the day of your fall.

28   At the sound of the cry of your pilots the countryside shakes,

29   and down from their ships come all who handle the oar. The mariners and all the pilots of the sea stand on the land

30   and shout aloud over you and cry out bitterly. They cast dust on their heads and wallow in ashes;

31   they make themselves bald for you and put sackcloth on their waist, and they weep over you in bitterness of soul, with bitter mourning.

32   In their wailing they raise a lamentation for you and lament over you: 'Who is like Tyre, like one destroyed in the midst of the sea?

33   When your wares came from the seas, you satisfied many peoples; with your abundant wealth and merchandise you enriched the kings of the earth.

34   Now you are wrecked by the seas, in the depths of the waters; your merchandise and all your crew in your midst have sunk with you.

35   All the inhabitants of the coastlands are appalled at you, and the hair of their kings bristles with horror; their faces are convulsed.

36            The merchants among the peoples hiss at you; you have come to a dreadful end and shall be no more forever.'"


Things to think about…


1.       In Ezek 27 Tyre is described in a very similar manner to another ancient city. Can you recall which one? It is of course Babylon – this city is prophesied to rise again as described at the end of the book of Revelation. All worldly toil, practise and desire will stop in the light of Christ’s rule in eternity. But the city of Tyre would never rise again and today is still a place where there is


2.       Tyre traded wool, wood, rams and lambs, fine linen and even the souls of men to every nation as far east as Persia and Babylon and west towards Egypt and across the seas to as far as Tarshish (possibly Spain). We know that the Babylonians would destroy them via a siege in 573BC. This proud city would be humbled. It was a city that survived on trade and as a result had to compromise and embrace whatever belief systems were displayed by those they traded with. As a result every nation that traded with Tyre is represented by those who manned their vessels, walls and their fortresses, Ezek 27:8-11. If we embrace everything, we are convinced of nothing. Hence the fallacy of toleration. You will find Jesus is very intolerant of sin and all of the ways it is expressed. The city of Tyre is a good example of compromise to the point of being a worthy candidate for judgement. What is the difference between grace and toleration in your opinion?


3.       We see in Ezek 27:25-36 that the city’s rowers brought them out to sea only to be drowned in its midst as a result. Sometimes the very thing/s that entice us are the same things that are used by the Lord to humble us. Someone caught up with a covetous spirit is brought to ruin financially. Another who struggles with lust and commits adultery loses his marriage. What area has the Lord used in your past to allow you to see your failings and draw you back to a better understanding of His grace? I must confess the Lord is still working this stuff out in me.


4.       Look what happens to those who traded with Tyre in the end Ezek 27:36. The very ones who traded with Tyre are the same ones who scoff at her downfall. Satan will support you and even have the appearance of supporting and encouraging you, but it is all for one end. To rejoice in your fall. He has not changed since the Garden of Eden. He wants all those who are made in the image of God to reject the Word of God. Short term gain leads to eternal pain as a result.


Vision Point for cell groups

CBC’s Vision :- To be a growing biblical church community, significantly influencing our city and beyond, through intentional outreach, fulfilling our mission.

Title was “thought it would never happen” – Reading Ezek 24:1-14

1.      Ezekiel is told to put a cupper pot on boil and fill it with the choice meats. Who were the choice meats and why were they in the pot?

2.      When leaders pull down truth, everyone suffer. We saw this last week with the Victorian premier speaking out against biblical Christianity after sacking of the newly appointed Essendon AFL coach. What should our response be?

3.      Discuss your understanding of the promises of God. Refer to Deuteronomy 28.

4.      Pray for each other and the outreach of the gospel.


Prayer Points

1.        Pray for the leadership of our country.

2.        Pray for the people of Iran. There is horrible oppression of women who are being beaten and killed by a corrupt government, simply for refusing to wear a head covering.

3.        Pray for Ukraine and the final defeat of Russian aggression.

4.        The right choice for a full time Youth and Young Adults Pastor to start Jan 2023 and the finances to support them.

5.        Health of Ross Goltz, Zac - sciatica 

6.        More young families and youth into the church.

7.        Ministry leaders within the church.

8.        Our One for Israel ministry.

9.        Pray for other building projects – café roof, the repair of the house roof.

10.    Growth, conversions, joy in the Word and Spirit to remain and increase.

       Praise Points

1.    The marriage of James and Kirstine Smith.

2.    Visitors to church on Sunday.

3.    Some returning back to church after a while away.

4.    Worship on Sunday – thankyou Suzy, Gina, Ashley. Bec on Words and Doug on sound. Thankyou. Suzy and Maddison in café always do a stellar job. Thankyou for those who welcomed at the door.

5.    All those who faithfully serve in ministries, Worship, Sound/Technical/Kids Church/ Cell Groups/Admin - Bulletins/Finances/Property/Welcoming/Spiritual Leadership/Cafe

6.    Joy, peace and grace we see at CBC. Thankyou Lord



1.        Members Meeting – AGM 6th November after the service.

2.        Remember to check your duty rosters.

3.        Church bank details bsb:- 704 913 and Acc number:- 4000 4388 1

4.        Tune in again this week on our youtube page. Subscribe to the CBC channel Chuwar Baptist YouTube channel.


Catechism questions for October...

Q. 1. Who made you?
A.      God.

Bible References – Gen.1:26&27; Gen.2:7; Eccl.12:1; Acts 17:24-29.

Q. 2. What else did God make?
A.      God made all things.

Bible References – Gen.1:1-31; Acts 14:15; Rom.11:36; Col.1:16.

“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” Jer 33:3

Pastor Jay

Jay Beatty