The Lord loves His people

We see that even though the Lord used the names of Hosea’s children as a rebuke to Israel, He still has an electing, covenant love for His people.

Hosea 11: The LORD's Love for Israel

1     When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.

2     The more they were called, the more they went away; they kept sacrificing to the Baals and burning offerings to idols.

3     Yet it was I who taught Ephraim to walk; I took them up by their arms, but they did not know that I healed them.

4     I led them with cords of kindness, with the bands of love, and I became to them as one who eases the yoke on their jaws, and I bent down to them and fed them.

5     They shall not return to the land of Egypt, but Assyria shall be their king, because they have refused to return to me.

6     The sword shall rage against their cities, consume the bars of their gates, and devour them because of their own counsels.

7     My people are bent on turning away from me, and though they call out to the Most High, he shall not raise them up at all.

8     How can I give you up, O Ephraim? How can I hand you over, O Israel? How can I make you like Admah? How can I treat you like Zeboiim? My heart recoils within me; my compassion grows warm and tender.

9     I will not execute my burning anger; I will not again destroy Ephraim; for I am God and not a man, the Holy One in your midst, and I will not come in wrath.

10   They shall go after the LORD; he will roar like a lion; when he roars, his children shall come trembling from the west;

11   they shall come trembling like birds from Egypt, and like doves from the land of Assyria, and I will return them to their homes, declares the LORD.

12            Ephraim has surrounded me with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit, but Judah still walks with God and is faithful to the Holy One.


Hosea 12:

1     Ephraim feeds on the wind and pursues the east wind all day long; they multiply falsehood and violence; they make a covenant with Assyria, and oil is carried to Egypt.

The LORD's Indictment of Israel and Judah

2     The LORD has an indictment against Judah and will punish Jacob according to his ways; he will repay him according to his deeds.

3     In the womb he took his brother by the heel, and in his manhood he strove with God.

4     He strove with the angel and prevailed; he wept and sought his favour. He met God at Bethel, and there God spoke with us---

5     the LORD, the God of hosts, the LORD is his memorial name:

6     "So you, by the help of your God, return, hold fast to love and justice, and wait continually for your God."

7     A merchant, in whose hands are false balances, he loves to oppress.

8     Ephraim has said, "Ah, but I am rich; I have found wealth for myself; in all my labours they cannot find in me iniquity or sin."

9     I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt; I will again make you dwell in tents, as in the days of the appointed feast.

10   I spoke to the prophets; it was I who multiplied visions, and through the prophets gave parables.

11   If there is iniquity in Gilead, they shall surely come to nothing: in Gilgal they sacrifice bulls; their altars also are like stone heaps on the furrows of the field.

12   Jacob fled to the land of Aram; there Israel served for a wife, and for a wife he guarded sheep.

13   By a prophet the LORD brought Israel up from Egypt, and by a prophet he was guarded.

14            Ephraim has given bitter provocation; so his Lord will leave his bloodguilt on him and will repay him for his disgraceful deeds.


Things to think about…


1.    Anyone who has had children knows the heart cry that is being echoed in Hosea 11. The Lord had raised up Israel. He had nurtured and cared for them, but they rejected His love by turning to idols, that don’t care, think or feel. Pray for all parents that have children that are presently displaying this rejection of love towards their parents and especially rejection towards their Saviour. May healing and grace come through Christ.

2.    Though Israel had been unfaithful, even like Admah and Zeboiim 2 cities that suffered the same consequences of judgement along with Sodom and Gomorrah, Hos 11:8. Hos 11 shows the heart of God towards His elect people. He says in vs 8 “How can I give you up’? God’s heart breaks when we are rebellious, but He loves us. His people will return. When God roars His children will come, vs 10, 11. In what ways is God speaking to you and drawing you into a closer relationship with Him?


3.    Judah had not forgotten God, Hos 11:12. There will always be people who will seek after the Lord even when most others have fallen away. Judah however would eventually fall, but even then a faithful group would not go against His law. This is still the case with the modern church. Christians who speak the words of Christ and give the only answer as Christ show God’s faithfulness.


4.    If you lean upon Satan he will always keep you poor – financially, morally and spiritually, Hos 12:1. This was the case with Israel when they trusted in Egypt or Assyria for help. Do you think America has been used like Assyria and Egypt in the same way today? Coming through earthly power and wealth will always be brought low, we know this has happened with all the superpowers down through the ages.


5.    Hos 12:2-14 is God’s way of showing His love to Israel. They had rebelled. They say they are rich, vs 8. God spoke to Israel via prophets, visions and parables, vs 10 and called them out of Egypt vs 13. Yet they refused His will. He is left with only one ‘loving’ thing to do – discipline, vs 14. He has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If you are feeling your heart being challenged in certain areas – this is God showing His grace and mercy to you. He rebukes and chastens those whom He loves Heb 12:6.

6.       Judgement would come quickly to Israel’s 10 northern tribes – Ephraim, Hos 12:14. In 722BC it came in the form of the Assyrian army carrying them away to Nineveh. The Samaritans are a mixed race of Jews and other nations and were despised by the Jews in Jesus day. But as we know from Jesus’ interaction to the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus says the Father calls everyone everywhere to worship Him “in Spirit and in truth”. There are still a few hundred Samaritans today that worship on Mt Gerizim that hold to the law of Moses.


Vision statement for CBC

CBC’s Vision :- To be a growing biblical church community, significantly influencing our city and beyond, through intentional outreach, fulfilling our mission.


Prayer Points

1.        Pray for pledges for finances for the youth and young adults pastor role. $49, 640 has come in so far. Let’s keep praying for final collection numbers.

2.        Carols service this Sunday 18th December – Family fun Day afternoon/evening 3pm-7pm.

3.        Christmas Day Service 25th Dec – on a Sunday this year – service will start at 9:00am.

4.        Pray for the leadership of our country.

5.        Pray for the people of Iran and Ukraine.

6.        The right choice for a full time Youth and Young Adults Pastor to start Jan 2023 and the finances to support them.

7.        More young families and youth into the church.

8.        Ministry leaders within the church.

9.        Our One for Israel ministry.

10.    Pray for other building projects – café roof, the repair of the house roof.

11.    Growth, conversions, joy in the Word and Spirit to remain and increase.

       Praise Points

1.    Wonderful afternoon and evening of Carols. Thankyou to all those who made the day possible. Many new people came and heard the gospel.

2.    Thankyou to those who have supported the church and youth and young adults role - $49. 640 raised thus far.

3.    Work being done in the house and café. Thankyou especially to Fred Mienie, Rob Brand and James Smith.

4.    New folk becoming members of CBC

5.    Those who faithfully serve in ministries, Worship, Sound/Technical/Kids Church/ Cell Groups/Admin - Bulletins/Finances/Property/Welcoming/Spiritual Leadership/Cafe

6.    Joy, peace and grace we see at CBC. Thankyou Lord



1.        Christmas Day service – 9am Dec 25th.

2.        Remember to check your duty rosters.

3.        Church bank details bsb:- 704 913 and Acc number:- 4000 4388 1

4.        Tune in again this week on our youtube page. Subscribe to the CBC channel Chuwar Baptist YouTube channel.


Catechism questions for December...

Q. 3. Why did God make you and all things?
A.      For his own glory.

Bible References – Ps.19:1; Jer.9:23&24; Rev.4:11; Rev.5:13.

“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” Jer 33:3

Pastor Jay


Jay Beatty