The Son - Greater than the angels

We are in the book of Hebrews for the next two weeks. These first two chapters speak of the authority and deity of Christ. Good chapters to show Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Hebrews 1: The Supremacy of God's Son

1     Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,

2     but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.

3     He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

4     having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.

5     For to which of the angels did God ever say, "You are my Son, today I have begotten you"? Or again, "I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son"?

6     And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, "Let all God's angels worship him."

7     Of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, and his ministers a flame of fire."

8     But of the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom.

9     You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions."

10   And, "You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands;

11   they will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment,

12   like a robe you will roll them up, like a garment they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will have no end."

13   And to which of the angels has he ever said, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet"?

14        Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?

Hebrews 2: Warning Against Neglecting Salvation

1     Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.

2     For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution,

3     how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard,

4     while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.

The Founder of Salvation

5     Now it was not to angels that God subjected the world to come, of which we are speaking.

6     It has been testified somewhere, "What is man, that you are mindful of him, or the son of man, that you care for him?

7     You made him for a little while lower than the angels; you have crowned him with glory and honour,

8     putting everything in subjection under his feet." Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control. At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him.

9     But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honour because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.

10   For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering.

11   For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers,

12   saying, "I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise."

13   And again, "I will put my trust in him." And again, "Behold, I and the children God has given me."

14   Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil,

15   and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.

16   For surely it is not angels that he helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham.

17   Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.

18        For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.


Things to think about…


  1. What authority does the Son have? He created the world and reflects the glory and is the exact imprint of God, Heb 1:2,3. The Jehovah’s Witnesses New World Translation says “He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact representation of his very being”. I would have thought this was enough to prove Christ’s deity from their scriptures but apparently not.

  2. The stumbling block for Jehovah’s Witnesses of course is Heb 1:5 which says Jesus is the Son and vs 6 ‘the firstborn into the world’. They interpret vs 6 as saying God’s Son was created rather than being eternal. Verse 8 leaves no doubt by referring to the Son as God, “of the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever”. Unfortunately this is where the Jehovah’s Witness distort scripture to deny the obvious; their version of Heb 1:8 says “But about the Son, he says: “God is your throne…””. A subtle but very unfortunate edit.

  3. We have angels that serve us, Heb 1:14. This is a wonderful promise for those who inherit salvation. May our angels protect us throughout the year. The writer says these are important things to know lest we drift away Heb 2:1. Note in Heb 2:3,4 that part of our witness in Christ is bear witness to His sign, wonders and miracles – past and present. While a wicked and adulterous generation seeks them instead of faith, we have them confirmed because of faith. Pray our witness has an obvious supernatural element.

  4. There is so much encouragement in the verses Heb 2:10-18. They speak of adoption, identity and victory in Christ. But more than this – they speak of a Saviour who identifies with His ‘brothers’ by becoming just like them, taking on flesh and blood, vs 14. Why? To deliver those who were in fear of death to be given life.

  5. Jesus alone identifies with those He saves, Heb 2:14-18. There is no saviour to be compared with our Lord Jesus. He alone as God took on flesh and blood to redeem those who have the same. He suffered when tempted and He is able to help those who are being tempted, Heb 2:18. Such an encouraging word for those who struggle with temptation. Our Saviour understands and is faithful even when we are faithless, 2Tim 2:13.

Vision Point for cell groups

CBC’s Vision :- To be a growing biblical church community, significantly influencing our city and beyond, through intentional outreach, fulfilling our mission.

For Cell Groups.

Reading was from Isaiah 64 Title “Rend the heavens and revive us”

1.   Isaiah had seen the Lord’s miraculous hand on a number of occasions before praying Isa 64. Do you remember some of the things he had experienced and the circumstances that surrounded those experiences?

2.     You experienced the supernatural hand of the Lord. If so, how?

3.     Jay mentioned the revival in the Isle of Leis in 1949. Do you remember the circumstances of what led to the revival and why the 2 older ladies Peggy and Christine Smith prayed for it to occur?

4.     Generally the church by and large today is remiss of holiness and a deep hunger for the Lord. Would you agree? Revival and awakening need to occur where even people who have not gone to church desire to be there. Pray that we would be awakened.


Prayer Points

1. Growth, conversions, joy in the Word and Spirit to remain and increase.

2. New families as they settle into church.

4. Church finances to meet our new staff and to put a roof over our café.

5. Getting drawings into council.

6. Sunday’s message – Andrew Otte.


Praise Points.

1. Friday night bon Fire. Plenty of new contacts. Some saying they will come to church

2. Praise the Lord for Caleb – Recharge, keep praying the Lord reveals His will.

3. Praise the Lord for the Kids@church ministry. Thankyou Maddison.

4. More new folk on Sunday – Praise God.

5. Praise and worship – pray for continued growth and blessing.

6. Unity, peace and grace at CBC.



1. Men’s movie night. 13th March, “The battle of Long Tan”. Tim Freeman’s dad, has a personal testimony of the men and events. Be aware, MA rating – swearing and violence. It is a war film after all. Will be at church. $10 to cover costs.

2. Church bank details bsb:- 704 913 and Acc number:- 4000 4388 1

3. Tune in again this week on our youtube page. Subscribe to the CBC channel .


Catechism question for March...

Q. 5. Why did God give these sacraments?
A.       To show that his disciples belong to him, and to remind them of what he has done for them.

Bible References – Matt.28:19; 1Cor.11:24-26.

“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” Jer 33:3

Pastor Jay


Jay Beatty