Gaza, Israel and Bible Prophecy

Overview – What should we make of the Oct 7 massacre and subsequent invasion of Gaza by Israel? God holds not just the land of Israel, but the people of Israel with specific regard. The promise, remember, went to Abraham, then his son Isaac, then his son Jacob who was renamed Israel after wrestling with God. What was the promise – the inheritance of the land, the Lord said to Abraham, “To you I will give this land, and I will bless the nations through you, whoever blesses you I will bless, whoever curses you I will curse” etc.: the land, but also the people. They came back from Egypt around 1400BC. King David reigned 1000BC. They were taken captive a number of times again, Assyrians, Bablylonians, ruled over by the Persians (the ancient Iranians), then Greece under Alexander the Great, then finally the Romans and the Caesars. Titus removed them finally in AD70. After that, they had not been a nation for 1900 years.

The beginning of the modern reestablishment of the Jewish nation happened when the British Mandate of 1917 was established. Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, expressed British support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in what was known as Palestine – the area of Israel’s borders. Their argument was twofold: supporting the Zionist cause would rally Jewish communities worldwide to the Allies' side, and a pro-British Jewish homeland in Palestine could serve as a strategic asset in the region. Local Arabs didn’t like it and there were skirmishes.

The challenge came after the Holocaust. The cry for a Jewish nation rather than a status under Britain was pushed. How, when there were 2 groups of people claiming status? One through history and divine right and decree, the other through legal deeds and titles. Israel became a burden to the world. Even this was prophesied by Zechariah who said, "Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples. The siege of Jerusalem will also be against Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.” (Zechariah 12:2, 3)

The weight was tried to be dealt with by the postwar group, United Nations; the British wanted out – the stone was too heavy for them. Give it to the UN. They developed what was called a two-state solution:  Jews here and Arabs there. The Jews agreed to this; the Arabs did not. That was a mistake by the Arabs but even this was under the Lord’s hand. Why? Because the land will not be divided. This was an opportunity for the Jews to buy, take and overthrow due to an agreement that was not conclusive. The Jews took that as a divine direction to take the land.

In 1947, there was an Arab/Israeli war. Under American backing, the Jews won the war.  Remember, this was just after World War 2 and the Holocaust. Ezekiel said, “Can these dry bones live?” (Ezekiel 37) Isaiah said, “Can a nation be born in a day?” Does the Bible prophesy this? Yes. On May 14th 1948, a mere 3 years after the extermination of 6 million Jews, Israel won a war and became a nation. Israel, after 1800 years, think of it, became a sovereign nation again.

June 1967, 6 day war. Israel took complete control of Jerusalem after over 1800 years: more prophecy being fulfilled. The stone that Zechariah spoke of became heavier: Jerusalem - temple Mount, Dome of the Rock, West Bank.

Another war: Yom Kippor, 1973. Israel took a heap of land, mainly from Egypt; gave it back to have peace with Egypt. They have kept their distance: far more astute than the Palestinians.

The West Bank, so-called because it is on the western bank of the Jordan, even though it’s Israel and Biblically called Judea. Israel don’t call it the West Bank; neither should we, really. But there is heat in the terminology. Ruled by the Fatah party; not as militant as Hamas.

Has Israel committed atrocities? Absolutely, some are brutal. We went into a refugee camp in 2014 in West Bank. Some still have keys and title deeds to their houses from 1947. Those houses are no longer there – bulldozed, but they have the keys from when their parents and grandparents were forced out.

Gaza did have Jews living there after 1967 but in 2005, Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Prime Minister, moved them out as part of a peace deal and said you can have it, manage it yourselves. In 2007, the Arabs in Gaza foolishly elected Hamas to rule over them. Hamas do not want a 2-state solution. They don’t want Jews in Israel or the world. They are murderous racists, sponsored by other state actors along with Hezbollah in Syria, Iran: kill all Jews everywhere from the river to the sea. From the Jordan to the Mediterranean – no Jews.

What should we think about a 2-state solution? When in Ramallah, West Bank 2014, a senior PLO leader spoke to us for about an hour; they agreed to a 2-state solution in 1988. But other Arabs in Gaza did not. They were divided. A 2-state solution is not ideologically nor biblically possible.

Hamas/Hezbollah want from the river to the sea, no Israeli or Israel: Ideologically impossible. But, also biblically impossible. Ezekiel 36:1-11 The mountains of Israel: where are they – all in what is called the West Bank and Golan Heights taken back by Israel in 1967. A 2-state solution won’t be a part of Israel’s future. Bible prophecy says a united Israel. Want a definitive anti 2-state solution from the Bible? Listen to this. (Ezekiel 37:22) “and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all; and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all.” The mountains of Israel being united and blessed is mentioned 14 times in Ezekiel 34-39.

Referring to the aftermath of the Holocaust, Ezekiel asked can these dry bones live? (Ezekiel 37) Can the bones have flesh and a spirit; can they be a nation? Isaiah asked referring to Israel, “Can a nation be born in a day?” (Isaiah 66:7-10) Yes. After the horror of the Second World War - the catalyst set for Israel to be reborn as a nation.

Israel believes in a future deliverer, a saviour, a Davidic type figure. Hence why they will endorse someone from the line of David; their deliverer will be a son of David, a Jew, but not Jesus. They want him to be human, not divine. Jesus is both; they don’t accept that. Hence, they will accept an anti-Christ, because to them he will be Christ; He will bring peace. Will it happen through this present conflict? Possibly, but a lot of groups need to move. I believe these are growing pains to that end. The nation being reborn happened on May 14th 1948. Israel became a nation again after 1954 (2000) years. They were last a sovereign country in 6BC before Roman rule.

Will Jesus return while the land is divided? No. The land will be united under Israeli rule, but it will be in turmoil, as always, until Christ returns. (Ezekiel 37 to 39) “Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will take the people of Israel from the nations among which they have gone, and will gather them from all around, and bring them to their own land. And I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. And one king shall be king over them all, and they shall be no longer two nations, and no longer divided into two kingdoms.” (Ezekiel 37:21,22) Not Judah and Northern Israel, but more significantly, not Israel and West Bank or even Gaza. There is no two-state solution here in Ezekiel 37, but one united state of Israel. This will be done as it is now, with military might.

Joel 2. The Spirit will be poured out. Acts 2 – united gospel but divided tongues. This works in parallel with Israel. United Israel, different languages, one gospel, One ruler – Yeshua (Jesus).


What’s the answer? Christ’s rule. The gospel. Isaiah, who prophesied so much about what we are seeing today, also proclaimed One to come where the government rests on His shoulders. He is also the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) Israel needs to acknowledge both today.

Chuwar Baptist Church